24-Hour Film Challenge March 2022

The Challenge Make a short film that includes the line of Dialogue:“I do all my own stunts but never intentionally”. Duration No shorter than 30 seconds and no longer than 3 minutes. Time Frame 24 hours from 8 pm March 25th 2022.You need to submit your film online to Kino Sydney by 8 pm Saturday,March 26th 2022 Format H.264, MP4 fileMaximum bitrate of 20 Mbps.Maximum resolution ofFull HD / 1920 x 1080.Audio levels with a maximum of -10dBPlease title the file with ‘YourName_FilmTitle_Kino#’ e.g.JohnLeonetti_MortalAnnihilation_Kino_158. Submit Online at: kinosydney.com/screen-a-film-162/Please send us your video file via Vimeo, Google Drive,Dropbox, WeTransfer.Films should not be an advertisement.No home videos or showreels.Make sure there are no copyright infringementsregarding music or other elements in your film.You must be 18+ to screen at Kino Sydney. Need a…
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